Donnerstag, 4. September 2014

Scary earthquake for tourists in the greater Antalya region, Turkey



Last update: September 4, 2014 at 9:33 pm
Update 21:21 UTC : Below a very scary seismogram recorded at a seismograph in Antalya (close to the epicenter)
Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 23.21.23
Update 21:19 UTC : Cirali and Finike are the 2 locations closest to the epicenter but this is in this case less important because of the deep hypocenter.
Update 21:17 UTC : Because of the many tourists in the area who are not used to feel earthquakes, this must have been the experience of a lifetime for them. An additional reason that we do not expect damage is that the epicenter is out in the Mediterranean
Update 21:15 UTC : We do not expect a lot of damage because of the depth of the hypocenter (breaking point generating the earthquake)
Screen Shot 2014-09-04 at 23.15.25
254 km NW of Nicosia, Cyprus / pop: 200,452 / local time: 00:00:04.1 2014-09-05
77 km S of Antalya, Turkey / pop: 758,188 / local time: 00:00:04.1 2014-09-05
67 km E of Finike, Turkey / pop: 9,250 / local time: 00:00:04.1 2014-09-05
44 km SE of Tekirova, Turkey / pop: 20,000 / local time: 00:00:04.1 2014-09-05
Most important Earthquake Data:
SRC Location UTC Date/time M D
USGS Tekirova, Turkey Sep 04 21:00 5.2 68
GEOFON Turkey Sep 04 21:00 5.3 72

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MagnitudeML 2.0
Date time2014-09-04 01:37:46.1 UTC
Location48.44 N ; 8.00 E
Depth3 km
Distances171 km N of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 121,631 / local time: 03:37:46.1 2014-09-04
25 km SE of Strasbourg, France / pop: 274,845 / local time: 03:37:46.1 2014-09-04
5 km N of Gengenbach, Germany / pop: 11,234 / local time: 03:37:46.1 2014-09-04
Global view
Source parameters provided by:
 Landsamt für Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau -- Baden Wuerttemberg, Germany (LED)

More information at:

 Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Hannover/Erlangen, Germany
 Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France
 Landesamt fuer Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
 Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France
 Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France
 Plan Séisme (Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme)