Montag, 25. Januar 2016

Todas las imágenes del #terremoto de Melilla y el sur de Andalucía Todas las imágenes del #terremoto de Melilla y el sur de Andalucía



10m10 minutes ago
Todas las imágenes del de Melilla y el sur de Andalucía ➡ ¡Impactante!
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El terremoto en Melilla causa 26 heridos

Publicado el 25 ene. 2016
terremoto de 6,3 grados en la escala Richter ocurrido a las 05.22
horas, con epicentro al sur del Mar de Alborán y sentido con mucha
fuerza en Melilla, ha causado 26 personas heridas en la ciudad española
del Norte de África.

Puedes leer la noticia en:

Erdbeben: Sachschaden an der Costa del Sol

Publicado el 25 ene. 2016
der marokkanischen Mittelmeerküste hat es ein schweres Erdbeben
gegeben. Die US-Erdbebenwarte USGS und das Geoforschungszentrum (GFZ) in
Potsdam gaben die Stärke mit 6,1 an. Es folgte ein Nachbeben der Stärke
5,3. Das Erdbeben ereignete sich den Angaben aus Potsdam zufolge in
zehn Kilometern Tiefe, das Epizentrum lag 160 Kilometer südöstlich von
Gibraltar. Berichte über Schäden lagen zunächst nicht vor. Auswirkungen
bis nach Málaga in Südspanien und der spanischen Exklave Melilla in


Se superaran els 85 dies "sense" pluja a Barcelona...i vés que no passem dels 90..


4m4 minutes ago
Btvmeteo Retweeted BTVNOTíCIES
Se superaran els 85 dies "sense" pluja a Barcelona...i vés que no passem dels 90. TRES mesos sencers!!!!
Btvmeteo added,
0 retweets 0 likes

STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR-6.3-5.0-5.3-2.9-2.9-4.5-3.4-5.2-5.0-4.7




You felt this earthquake. Tell us!
Magnitudemb 4.7
Date time2016-01-25 08:25:05.8 UTC
Location35.70 N ; 3.67 W
Depth2 km
Distances160 km E of Gibraltar, Gibraltar / pop: 26,544 / local time: 09:25:05.8 2016-01-25
80 km NW of Melilla, Spain / pop: 73,460 / local time: 09:25:05.8 2016-01-25
58 km NE of Tirhanimîne, Morocco / pop: 55,827 / local time: 08:25:05.8 2016-01-25
Global view

VI2016-01-25   06:10:42.63hr 22min ago35.57 N  3.95 W  105.0 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR
VI2016-01-25   05:54:07.33hr 39min ago35.62 N  3.76 W  155.2 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR
IV2016-01-25   05:50:33.83hr 43min ago35.66 N  3.79 W  103.4 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR


III2016-01-25   05:03:45.34hr 29min ago35.52 N  3.84 W  104.5 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR

2016-01-25   04:48:34.74hr 44min ago35.52 N  3.80 W  102.9 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR

2016-01-25   04:43:41.04hr 49min ago36.35 N  9.23 W  162.9 WEST OF GIBRALTAR

VI2016-01-25   04:34:20.54hr 59min ago35.74 N  3.82 W  105.3 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR
IV2016-01-25   04:30:55.45hr 02min ago35.62 N  3.81 W  105.0 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR
1669V2016-01-25   04:22:03.45hr 11min ago35.73 N  3.74 W  156.3 STRAIT OF GIBRALTAR

More information at:

 Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technique, Geophysics Laboratory Rabat, Morocco
 Departement des Sciences de la Terre Rabat, Morocco

Very strong and damaging earthquake north of the Moroccan coast (incl. Melilla)



Last update: January 25, 2016 at 9:25 am by By
Update 08:42 UTC : No reports yet of injuries but a lot of light damage
Update 08:39 UTC : Damage in Oran, Morocco
Update 08:31 UTC : Damage images from Melilla Spain enclave in Morocco
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Update 08:10 UTC : According to the USGS 3.7 million people have felt a light MMI IV shaking.
Update 08:09 UTC : USGS has calculated a max. light shaking for the Spanish enclave Melilla and for the cities along the North Moroccan coast.
Update 08:08 UTC : Luckily the earthquake struck below the Mediterranean Sea and not below land, otherwise the damage would have been a lot bigger.
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62km (39mi) NNE of Al Hoceima, Morocco
64km (40mi) NNE of Tirhanimine, Morocco
69km (43mi) NNE of Imzourene, Morocco
77km (48mi) NW of Melilla, Spain
164km (102mi) ESE of Gibraltar, Gibraltar