Freitag, 17. April 2015

CRETE, GREECE-4.1-2.0-3.9-2.7-3.5


MagnitudeML 4.1
Date time2015-04-17 19:20:56.6 UTC
Location34.71 N ; 24.84 E
Depth10 km
Distances377 km S of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 22:20:56.6 2015-04-17
74 km S of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 22:20:56.6 2015-04-17
40 km S of Tympáki, Greece / pop: 4,923 / local time: 22:20:56.6 2015-04-17
Global view
Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeML 2.0
Date time2015-04-17 19:11:32.5 UTC
Location34.95 N ; 26.88 E
Depth21 km
Distances385 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 22:11:32.5 2015-04-17
164 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 22:11:32.5 2015-04-17
110 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 22:11:32.5 2015-04-17
64 km SE of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 22:11:32.5 2015-04-17

Source parameters provided by:
MagnitudeML 3.9
Date time2015-04-17 17:34:38.5 UTC
Location34.94 N ; 26.82 E
Depth2 km
Distances391 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 20:34:37.8 2015-04-17
155 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 20:34:37.8 2015-04-17
101 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 20:34:37.8 2015-04-17
57 km SE of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 20:34:37.8 2015-04-17

Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeML 2.7
Date time2015-04-17 17:00:37.1 UTC
Location35.04 N ; 26.80 E
Depth8 km
Distances375 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 20:00:37.1 2015-04-17
154 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 20:00:37.1 2015-04-17
100 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 20:00:37.1 2015-04-17
53 km E of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 20:00:37.1 2015-04-17

Source parameters provided by:
MagnitudeML 3.5
Date time2015-04-17 15:05:28.1 UTC
Location35.12 N ; 26.86 E
Depth2 km
Distances366 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 18:05:28.1 2015-04-17
158 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 18:05:28.1 2015-04-17
105 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 18:05:28.1 2015-04-17
54 km SW of Kárpathos, Greece / pop: 2,243 / local time: 18:05:28.1 2015-04-17

Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist





MagnitudeM 4.6
Date time2015-04-17 10:23:44.9 UTC
Location35.05 N ; 26.81 E
Depth5 km
Distances373 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 13:23:44.2 2015-04-17
159 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 13:23:44.2 2015-04-17
106 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 13:23:44.2 2015-04-17
58 km E of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 13:23:44.2 2015-04-17
Global view
Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeM 4.0
Date time2015-04-17 10:20:51.5 UTC
Location35.27 N ; 26.69 E
Depth5 km
Distances351 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 13:20:51.5 2015-04-17
141 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 13:20:51.5 2015-04-17
89 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 13:20:51.5 2015-04-17
41 km E of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 13:20:51.5 2015-04-17

Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist

More information at:

 Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Seismological Network of Crete Chania, Greece
 National Observatory of Athens, Geodynamic Institute Athens, Greece
 Department of Geophysics, University of Thessaloniki Thessaloniki, Greece
 University of Patras, Seismological Laboratory Patras, Greece

Das Wetter in den nächsten Tagen in Lloret de Mar

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Griechenland ist bei den Frühjahrstagungen von Weltbank und
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IWF-Direktorin Christine Lagarde wurde deutlich. Griechenland müsse
seine Kredite an den Internationalen Währungsfond absprachegemäß
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Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización
1325588 17/04/2015 03:46:35 40.9344 0.9646     1.6 4 SE VANDELLÒS.T
Foto Detalle

CRETE, GREECE-5.1-3.5-3.0-3.4-3.2-2.8-3.1-3.0-ERLEBNIS-BERICHTE


Magnitudemb 5.1
Date time2015-04-17 02:05:41.4 UTC
Location34.90 N ; 26.72 E
Depth20 km
Distances392 km S of İzmir, Turkey / pop: 2,500,603 / local time: 05:05:41.4 2015-04-17
151 km E of Irákleion, Greece / pop: 137,154 / local time: 05:05:41.4 2015-04-17
97 km E of Ágios Nikólaos, Greece / pop: 10,799 / local time: 05:05:41.4 2015-04-17
54 km SE of Palaíkastron, Greece / pop: 1,094 / local time: 05:05:41.4 2015-04-17
Global view
Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist
  • paphos - I felt a moderate to strong shaking on the grount floor of my house
  • Limassol - light shaking
  • Tala, near paphos - Very strong quake at 11.20 followed at 11.37 less violent
  • Peyia - Mild rumble followed by hard lurch then 10 minutes later a smaller rumble. Waves on swimming pool.
  • Paphos - Nothing was damaged in my house, except that everything was shaking and wobbling. Car alarms did go off.
  • Tala - No damage, one picture fell of wall. Things standing upright (brushes and a golf club) fell over. Some cabinet doors opened.
  • CY 8810 Peristerona - The house was shaking and vibriting strongly for half a minute
  • Paphos - At first I thought it was a truck passing, then I felt the floor slide and I rushed outside but it was over by then, felt a slight aftershock about 5-10 min later, but wasn't sure if it was real or my mind playing up when my boyfriend came in and asked if I felt it too.
  • Paphos - I felt very strong shaking at 11:20
  • Kissonerga - no damages noticed so far, house was shaking quite strongly though
  • paphos - Ground shook for 2 seconds 9.30 utc
  • nicosia - no damage!
  • limassol - alle 11.30 circa
  • Paphos - loud banging noise followed by prolonged shaking, building felt to dip sideways. No damage.
  • Latchi - Felt like being at sea in a storm, dipping and shaking, everything was rattling, doors were banging. Could hear creaking too.
  • Peyia - Strong shaking felt around 1130. Followed by lighter tremor approx 10 minutes later.
  • Paphos - 2nd floor of hotel moving side to side walls cracked
  • coral bay - floor moved to and fro pool was swishing about
  • Empa - I have already lost my report. At about 1130 this morning the cupboards started vibrating and some of our glass collection was broken. The house appeared to tilt but that could be imagination. Anthony Hollinshead
  • Paphos - Rumbling noise followed by shaking. Goods fell off shelves of shop and we were, quite reaonably, evacuated. Couple of things fell over at home (Universal area) but no apparent damage.
  • Tsada - One strong shock and one after shock. No damage
  • Mahmutlar/Alanya - Om ca. 11.25 lokale tijd voelden we het gebouw (7e verdieping) heel licht bewegen. Ook de gordijnen bewogen, tijd niet genoteerd maar denk dat het ongeveer 1 minuut was.
  • Paphos - Felt the tremor up the walls then the whole house shook and the concrete ground shook. The animals very aware and ran outside. Now I know why the horses were agitated. We had to balance ourselves so not to fall. No damage luckily.
  • Limassol - Es hat schon alles ganz schön gewackelt, aber nichts kaputt.Gericht Limassol wurde Evakuiert
  • coral bay near paphos - Felt as if there was an underground train going by.this was followed by our sun beds shaking and the pool water Being stirred up splashing out of the pool. It lasted for 10 seconds. A second tremor happened 10 minutes later albeit softer.
  • Paphos, Fyti - Felt the vibration up the wall then Whole house shook from side to side. The ground moved and we had to balance ourselves so not to fall. Animals ran outside and horses unsettled.
  • Paphos - Ich habe das Erdbeben im Freien erlebt. Es hat für 3-4 Sekunden alles gewackelt. Beschädigt wurde nichts.
  • Iskele - We were at 9 floor when the earthquake was started.
  • Paphos - My family and I were shopping in the mall in Paphos and we felt the entire building shake for a number of seconds. My children were playing in the soft play area in the mall and I quickly gathered them up and left the building as soon as possible. Everyone looked very scared and my son had a panic attack. The building was still shaking as we made our way outside. Sarah Evans
  • Paphos - No obvious damage in Kings Mall but in a local supermarket products had fallen off shelves
  • Alanya - Licht schudden voor ongeveer 25 seconden, geen schade
  • Paphos - The whole building shook, water in the swimming pools was bouncing. No damage or injuries though.
  • mandria - light shaking for a few seconds. There was a rumbling noise. No damage to property. But our pets were not happy.
  • Paphos - Pretty strong shaking, rumbling, woke me up from my sleep and i'm a heavy sleeper! A few new/wider cracks in our property, inside just the toilet seat slammed shut. Lasted about 15 seconds. Smaller aftershock 10 minutes later
  • Paphos - Awoke to bed shaking ,all house shaking,things fell down off bathroom cabinets
  • Peyia - Loud rumble. Thought it was a plane passing over by .Trees , pool and house shaking. Followed by two after shocks. No damage
  • lower tala - Very scary the house actually swayed
  • Peyia - Swaying and strong shaking of household items, pool slopping over egdes.
  • Lysos, Paphos - Exited car to read map, sat down on kerb and immediately felt kerbstone rise as if pushed from below. Those standing felt a mild 'elevator-like' motion. Most felt mild nausea/unease but heard nothing unusual (no buildings nearby). Drove to Lysos outskirts along Paphos Forest mountain road towards Kykkos and passed two burst domestic water pipes. On mountain road proper, passed numerous fallen rocks <15cm across="" and="" but="" diameter="" it="" li="" passable="" road="" strewn="" surface="" undamaged.="" was="">
  • Paphos - I was with a large group of people at the UKCA Club. The building shook and the floor moved for about 10 seconds. Had I not been sitting I would have fallen. We were advised to leave the building in case of aftershock, when it came I didn't feel it, though others did. When I returned home to Exo Vrisi I found things had fallen off shelves, though only a comb broke. Cabinet doors opened, but nothing fell out. A patio door opened. And the cats were terrified!
  • chloraka - Shaking ground for 2 minutes followed by second rumble a few minutes later. House shook and old building cracks re-opened throughout building. External cracks in ground opened up to an inch around concrete surrounds to house. I was painting outside at time and had strange experience of watching concrete wall moving in front of me.
  • Kissonerga - In a top floor apartment, first heard a loud bang, then felt the rumblings. Then the whole block juddered and swayed, freestanding furniture swaying from side to side. No obvious cracks in the main structure, but as there are so many already it would be difficult to tell!
  • Aphrodite Hills - No damage but distinct shaking felt for 10 seconds or so
  • Phafos - Zat in vliegtuig begon ineens hevig te trillen alsof we geraakt werden op de achterkant. Gelijk gekeken of we schade hadden, kwam er al personeel aan dat het een aardbeving was
  • Peyia, Paphos - Was in bed at 11:30am when the shaking started. It woke me up so i was half asleep. The whole room shook from side to side and it was loud. No damage except pictures fell off the walls. Didnt feel any aftershocks but apparently there were ten.
  • Lemona - Sudden shaking felt momentarily as if floor and walls had turned to jelly.Lasted a few seconds, Outside all the birds flew up into the air. Felt like a hallucination.
  • Polis - Chair shaking, the table moving. Glass chandeliers rocking, so much we thought they may come down. Another customer hanging on to wall and table. The floor appeared to be moving.
  • Tala-Paphos - 15.04.2015 ca. 11:30 Uhr Ein starkes Beben erschütterte unser Objekt. Schütteln im gesamten Haus. Figuren fielen um, Regale wurden abgeräumt. Ein Nachbeben folgte. Keine größeren Schäden.
  • coral bay - I was in bathroom on third floor whole building our side rumbled and shook from side to side .my daughter was in lift and she was very scared as it was shaken up ,down,left and right.building was damaged.home safely now in England
  • Pissouri - Strong shaking, floor and building moving front to back. Standing in my kitchen the ground moved back to front beneath my feet
  • Paphos - Het begon met een doffe knal en daarna schudde de aarde een aantal seconden. Eindtijden laterbiets lichter.
  • paphos - The ground was swaying and there was a loud bang. Windows bulged. Felt sea sick. Dogs were running wildly.
  • Tala - Weird experience of the floor moving, building seemed to wobble, loud rumbling, bottle and a picnic table fell over.
  • pafos - Happened when we were walking along street only a few second and it was over.
  • Paphos - Der Boden der Freifläche unter mir schwankte für einen einen Moment (ca. 10 sec.). Menschen im Hotelgebäude sahen, wie die Deckenleuchter pendelten, und flohen aus dem Gebaude.
  • Paphos - Het gebouw begon te trillen en daarna werd het heviger en daarna het hotel ontruimd. Na een paar seconden was het over.
  • Paphoss - on the 3rd floor of a building - bed, tables, and chairs were shaking
  • Paphos - Loud rumble like thunder, then room swayed violently from side to side and vibrations from underneath. 4th storey of an apartment block. Chandeliers swaying so much thought they would come down. Small items fell over. Crack across ceiling indoors and outside paintwork has cracked like eggshell. Windows moved, one slid open and one slid shut. No other obvious damage.
  • Kato paphos - Strong shaking felt by the pool. Hotel sustained a crack external and into the dining area.


    2015-04-17   04:53:46.042min ago35.31 N  26.86 E  153.5 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   04:44:07.652min ago34.98 N  26.39 E  23.0 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   04:41:28.454min ago35.01 N  26.74 E  53.4 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   04:27:58.31hr 08min ago34.88 N  26.88 E  23.2 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   04:13:49.61hr 22min ago34.96 N  26.89 E  23.2 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   03:52:59.11hr 43min ago34.99 N  26.85 E  22.8 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   03:10:36.62hr 25min ago34.99 N  26.85 E  53.1 CRETE, GREECE

    2015-04-17   02:27:43.33hr 08min ago35.11 N  26.72 E  1003.0 CRETE, GREECE