Samstag, 13. Februar 2016




You felt this earthquake. Tell us!
MagnitudeML 1.8
Date time2016-02-13 19:45:41.4 UTC
Location47.88 N ; 8.61 E
Depth10 km
Distances107 km NW of Vaduz, Liechtenstein / pop: 5,197 / local time: 20:45:41.4 2016-02-13
20 km N of Schaffhausen, Switzerland / pop: 33,863 / local time: 20:45:41.4 2016-02-13
4 km SW of Geisingen, Germany / pop: 6,048 / local time: 20:45:41.4 2016-02-13
Global view
Source parameters provided by:
You felt this earthquake. Tell us!
MagnitudeML 2.1
Date time2016-02-13 19:38:32.5 UTC
Location47.88 N ; 8.60 E
Depth10 km
Distances108 km NW of Vaduz, Liechtenstein / pop: 5,197 / local time: 20:38:32.5 2016-02-13
20 km N of Schaffhausen, Switzerland / pop: 33,863 / local time: 20:38:32.5 2016-02-13
5 km SW of Geisingen, Germany / pop: 6,048 / local time: 20:38:32.5 2016-02-13

Source parameters provided by: 
 Swiss Seismological Service -- Zürich, Switzerland (SED)

More information at:

 Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe Hannover/Erlangen, Germany
 Landesamt fuer Geologie, Rohstoffe und Bergbau Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany
 Swiss Seismological Service Zuerich, Switzerland

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