Mittwoch, 24. August 2016

ERROR creer que los #terremotos sólo pasan en otros países: mapa de peligrosidad sísmica de España


1h1 hour ago
ERROR creer que los sólo pasan en otros países: mapa de peligrosidad sísmica de España

3 dotacions #bomberscat extingeixen incendi en sitges d'oli

2h2 hours ago
3 dotacions extingeixen incendi en sitges d'oli d'una nau abandonada del polígon industrial Agro-Reus.

Avui farà una mica més de calor que ahir al nord-est, una mica menys, en canvi, al Pirineu

3h3 hours ago
Avui farà una mica més de calor que ahir al nord-est, una mica menys, en canvi, al Pirineu

Riesgo de incendio forestal para hoy miércoles, 24 de agosto.


2h2 hours ago
Riesgo de incendio forestal para hoy miércoles, 24 de agosto. Buen servicio a todos los medios.

Mindestens fünf Tote nach Erdbeben in Italien

Publicado el 23 ago. 2016
einem Erdbeben der Stärke 6,2 im Zentrum Italiens sind nach jüngsten
Angaben mindestens fünf Menschen ums Leben gekommen. Das Epizentrum des
Erdbebens lag in der Provinz Perugia und war noch in der 150 Kilometer
entfernten Hauptstadt Rom zu spüren.

Usuarios de Twitter se solidarizan con Italia tras el sismo

Publicado el 23 ago. 2016
de usuarios de la red social Twitter manifestaron su solidaridad con el
pueblo italiano tras el sismo de magnitud 6,2 registrado la madrugada
de este miércoles en el centro del país. teleSUR

Schweres Erdbeben in Italien

Publicado el 23 ago. 2016
schweres Erdbeben hat um 3.36 Uhr Mittelitalien erschüttert. Das
Epizentrum des Bebens mit einer Stärke von 6,2 lag nahe der Stadt Norica
in nur 10 km Tiefe. Die Erdstöße waren in den Regionen Latium, Umbrien,
den Marken und bis in die 170 km entfernte Hauptstadt Rom zu spüren.

Mehrere Menschen kamen ums Leben. Gebäude stürzten ein.

Bürgermeister der nahe des Epizentrums gelegenen Gemeinde Amatrice
sagte dem Nachrichtensender RaiNews24: „Die Hälfte des Ortes steht es
nicht mehr. Men…

ITALY-Roma-Faenza-Gubbio-Malcesine-Central Italy-Strong earthquakes!


  • Roma - ha tremato forte il palazzo. stiamo al settimo piano e il terremoto mi ha svegliato. è durato alcuni secondi
  • Rome - 3h44 tremblement bien ressenti pendant 10 secondes au moins.
  • Central Rome - It was about 3:40 AM and the bed started shaking left and right, very noticibly and threateningly. Happended about 10 seconds and seized. Cars parked outside went off with their alarms.
  • Sacrofano - About 20 seconds of moving woke us up. Time: 03.38
  • Urbino - Je n'etais pas encore endormi et les secousses de quelques secondes, je dirai 5s au plus....
  • Rome - 3h45am approx. Shake 10-15 sec. minimum.
  • Faenza - Il terremoto mi è svegliato alle 3:30 e continuava pochi secondi.
  • Gubbio - Woke up from shaking and heard glasses trembling
  • Rome - I woke up .I was sleeping about 10-30 min ago
  • Jonio - Lit qui bouge d'avant en arrière assez fort pour réveiller et faire sonner toutes les voitures dû quartiers , impressionnant !
  • Rome - werd wakkker door de trillingen, auto-alarmen gingen af.(volgens mij) geen directe schade.
  • Malcesine - Wir haben es bis hier hin gemerkt, das Bett wackelte leicht und Handtücher fingen an zu schwingen.
  • Malcesine - Wir haben es bis hier hin gemerkt, das Bett wackelte leicht und Handtücher fingen an zu schwingen.
  • Rome - A 3h40, la terre a tremblé pendant une duzaine de secondes et m'a réveillé.
  • Rome - 3h40 le lit de l hôtel a tangué les portes manteaux du dressing s entrechoquaient durée environ 10 à 15 secondes
  • Sirolo - Om +- 3.40 uur hevig wakker geschud op de camping in Sirolp, duurde zeker 10 seconden....buiten nog niets te te zien, behalve blaffende honden.
  • Arezzo - I woke up, Building shaking a lot, Hanging pictures knocked against the wall, some plastic bottles fall in bathroom
  • San Luca - Om 3.40 wakker geworden door schudden en rommelen
  • Assisi - Op de camping rond 3:40 uur alsof er iemand 10 sec heftig tegen onze caravan aan bet duwen was. Iedereen wakker.
  • Cesenatico - Les secousses m'ont réveillé mon mobil home se déplacait tout seul
  • Rome - Lateral shaking of room rattling water bottles on the side board. 2 bursts 5 seconds each ! 3:40 am 3rd floor of Cardinal hotel !
  • Rome - Werd wakker door schidden van het bed,wist niet waardoor
  • Roma - Non so se dipenda dal fatto che mi trovo al nono piano, o la scossa e stata veramente forte, ma qui si sono mosse le porte da sole
  • Bellaria - Réveillée dans la nuit lit et le lustre bougait de gauche a droit cette vraiment bizarre comme sensation le miroir bougait contre le mure au moin pendant 20 secondes je les arrêtais et il est reparti à bougeait
  • Rome - 3h40 secousses qui nous a réveillé lit se balançant de droite à gauche et portes manteaux du dressing s entrechoquaient. Durée environ 10 à 15 secondes.
  • Rome - Confirmato alla TV : terremoto magnitudo 6.0 vicino Rieti
  • Rimini - At about 3:40 in the morning felt some shaking and then all the car alarms started to go off. Rimini, italy
  • Castigllione del lago - Werd wakker van heen en weer schudden en kraken van de balken van het oude gebouw
  • Rome - Woke up from the bed shaking, the floor fan moved and started to hit the wall. Went on for about 10 seconds more or less. About 03.40 am. We live on the 6th floor in the area Monti. Dont know yet if any damage has been done to the building.
  • Martinsicuro - Rond 3.40 een beving van 20 seconden
  • Cattolica - Je me suis réveillé le sentiment d'être secoué.Duree env:30secs
  • Sant'Eusanio del Sangro - Felt the room shake briefly. Ist floor. I immediately got up out of bed and went outside. Others on the street were up too. No other tremors so far after 45 mins.
  • Rome - My boyfriend woke me up because he never exporienced an Earthquake in italy before. We were shaking in bed and de closet was living aswell.
  • Numana - Rond 3.30 begin bed flink te bewegen. Duurde zo'n 10 seconden. Iedereen op de kamping werd er wakker van. Geen schade ontdekt
  • Rome - J'ai été réveillée par le lit qui bougeait de tous les côtés, beaucoup de gens sont sortis dans la rue et on entendait les sirènes.
  • Florence - Wij voelden ons bed schudden en het rolluik kraken
  • Rome - 4h30 Roma central 2nd earthquake
  • Rome - Lit qui tremblait 10seconde
  • Martinsicuro - 04:35 2e beving,aftershock
  • Florence - Deux secousses ressenties en moins de 30 min. Sensation d'etre bercer rapidement. Pas de degats, simplement des alarmes de voitures qui se sont declanchés
  • Rome - Replique a 4h40 environ
  • Ascoli Piceno - In Hotel villa Pigna outside Ascoli Moderate shaking of building Things fell over on table Car alarms going off all over town
  • Rome - Deux réveils à une heure d'intervalle (environ 3h40 et 4h40) Lit tanguait, tout bougeait, alarmes de voitures sonnaient. Plusieurs personnes descendues dans la rue. Seconde fois plus faible que la première en intensité.
  • Montefiore dell'aso - Behoorlijk schudden van ons appartement rond 3:50
  • Roma - Segundo tremor as 4:50
  • Monte castello di Vibio PG - Deux secousses à une heure d ' intervalle dernière 4h45 environ lit légèrement secoué.
  • Perugia - The glass windows of the wardrop woke me up by trembling strong, le light was moving a lot as well, people are in the streets, it is the second time, first one was harder
  • Monte Castello di Vibio Perugia - Petite secousse du lit à une heure d ' intervalle dernière 4h45.
  • Tivoli - Was sleeping when the bed started to shake then the walls Then a second tremor but by this Time I was in the piazza in the open air with other People
  • EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 06:27 3.2 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 05:37 3.0 11 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 05:36 3.4 7 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 05:31 3.3 60 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 05:24 3.2 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 05:02 3.6 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:59 2.9 10 MAP I Felt It
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:57 3.6 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • San Severino Marche - When I woke up in the night I heard my father shouting that my brother and I should run outside. Then I noticed that he earth was shaking. So we ran out and I was really shocked for a moment cause I never experienced an earthquake bevor and in Germany where I live aren't earthquakes. But luckily nothing is destroyed and nobody of my family is hurt.
  • GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 04:57 4.2 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:55 3.0 7 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:52 3.0 11 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:44 3.7 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:38 3.6 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:33 3.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:30 3.0 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:27 3.1 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:26 3.6 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:24 2.9 10 MAP I Felt It

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:15 3.1 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:12 2.9 7 MAP I Felt It
    USGS Cascia, Italy Aug 24 04:06 4.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 04:06 4.3 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:06 4.5 8 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 04:00 3.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:53 3.0 5 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:52 3.1 8 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:51 3.0 8 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Amatrice, Italy Aug 24 03:40 4.3 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 03:40 4.2 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:40 4.2 11 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:31 2.9 6 MAP I Felt It
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:22 3.1 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:19 3.7 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:17 3.8 8 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:16 3.5 9 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:13 3.2 3 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:11 3.4 10 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:09 3.7 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:08 4.0 15 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 03:08 4.1 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 03:01 3.1 7 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:59 4.1 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 02:59 4.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Norcia, Italy Aug 24 02:59 4.3 6 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:55 3.5 1 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:54 3.1 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 02:51 4.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:51 3.8 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:48 3.0 7 MAP I Felt It INFO

    USGS Norcia, Italy Aug 24 02:33 5.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 02:33 5.5 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:33 5.5 9 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:32 5.1 8 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:30 3.4 4 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Maltignano, Italy Aug 24 02:19 4.0 7 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:19 4.0 2 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:14 3.3 100 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:14 3.3 100 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • Pesaro - Big noise from the doors and windows
  • EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:07 4.0 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Arquata Del Tronto, Italy Aug 24 02:05 4.1 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:05 4.6 5 MAP I Felt It INFO
    GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 02:05 4.6 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 02:01 3.9 8 MAP I Felt It INFO

    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 01:56 4.8 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • Corvaro - Woke me up. Bed shaking, c 03.37
  • GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 01:56 4.8 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Amatrice, Italy Aug 24 01:56 4.6 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 01:46 3.7 6 MAP I Felt It INFO
    EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 01:41 3.8 0 MAP I Felt It INFO
    USGS Norcia, Italy Aug 24 01:36 6.2 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • PULA - Light shaking for more than 30 seconds
  • Norcia - Wakker geworden tijdens slapen door beven aarde, indrukwekkend geluid wanneer de aarde beeft. Kalk op sommige plekken van plafond en gebroken spiegels
  • Roccafinadamo - No damage here but scary feeling to feel it again after 2009.
  • Cagli - Rond 3.40 uur wakker door hevig schudden van bed en kasten enz. Alle honden in de omgeving blaffen. Kids slapen er gewoon doorheen. Akelig.
  • GEOFON Central Italy Aug 24 01:36 6.2 10 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • Santarcangelo - It was 3:39 am in the morning and my bed started to shake. Cats, dogs and birds started to react and make noise.
  • Rome - Very linear backward and forward motion whilst in bed, lasted 10-20 seconds. Strong enough to wake me up.
  • Rome - Je me suis réveillé avec un sentiment de houle
  • rome - I woke up due to the shake.
  • Rome (Monteverde) - enough shaking/movement to wake me from bed. no damage.
  • Rome - Was aan het slapen. Opeens hoorde ik het bed schudden(kraken) en werd wakker. Dacht in eerste instantie dat vriendin lief een onrustige droom had, maar merkte toen dat ze stil lag. Na ongeveer 30 seconden hield het op. Zij sliep erdoorheen. Ik lig klaarwakker nu.
  • villastrada - Light earthquake
  • Assisi - De meeste mensen in de omgeving werden rond 3.40 wakker van een flink heen en weer schudden van hun huis.
  • Roseto degli Abruzze - Secousses ++
  • Rome - J étais allongé et léger tremblement de quelques secondes 20 secondes environ
  • Bellaria - Réveillé dans la nuit à l'hôtel lustre et lit que bouge
  • Rome - On 8th floor of apartment block, woken by bed swaying - lasted 10-20 secs.
  • Terni - Hier was een behoorlijke aardbeving van circa 20 seconden te voelen. Vrij heftig als je dat nog nooit hebt ervaren.
  • Gubbio - Gewekt door aardbeving
  • Osimo - Strong earthquake feeling. Woken up at night and immediately evacuated the hotel. No apparent signs of damages to the hotel. Waiting for potential replicas.
  • Rome - I woke up to the feeling of being shaken.
  • Rome - was awake in bed. felt bed shaking for 10 seconds. First floor. Immediate reaction of birds and car alarms
  • Chieti - Very strong and long shaking earthquake around 3:36 am località time
  • Gualdo Macerata - Extensive plasterwork damage and cracks appearing in the upper floor. Electricity still working.This is the worst earthquake damage we have experienced in 40 years.
  • Montefino (TE) - A wooden sculpture on the shelf fell and broke.
  • Pesaro - I was woken by it and felt the last 5 to 10 seconds of lateral movement on the 2nd floor of Hotel Vittoria.
  • gatteo mare - Oscillation de droite à gauche impressionnant ! Alarme des voitures , chien hurlants
  • Rimini - I wake up in 03:39 - my bad shaked. It was about 40-45 sec.
  • Padova - Was reading in bed, felt light motion for 10 seconds
  • Rome - Woke up by bed shaking and car alarm going of.
  • Amondola - Taccarelli, Amondola, Marche. Earthquake felt by all in the house while asleep. We all got up and ran outside but have since come back in. Persistent smaller aftershocks.
  • Rimini - La maison a tremblee suffisamment pour me réveiller de mon sommeil
  • Lama Dei Peligni - Entire house was lightly shaking. Wardrobe doors and glass rattling. Approximately 25 people in local houses all woke up from the tremor felt
  • EMSC Central Italy Aug 24 01:36 6.2 4 MAP I Felt It INFO
  • Rome - I felt a mild shaking of my bed in the 6th floor of a building on the Janiculum Hill.
  • Celano l'aquila - J'ai senti
  • Monteleone - Werd er wakker van
  • Rome - Woken up around 3-40am by bed shaking back and forth. Staying in very old 5th floor apartment so thought some sort of haunting at first! First and hopefully last ever earthquake! Graile.
  • Rome - orizzontal shifting shaking
  • arezzo - Woke up with room moving. Closet doors rattling. No damage.
  • orvieto - mild shaking
  • Roma - Me despertó por segunda vez tembló poquito aquí en Roma centro
  • Rome - FAt about 3.30am I felt room shaking, standard lamp shook lasted 20 seconds. About an hour later shaking again for a few seconds. It woke me up.