Mittwoch, 9. November 2016

Das Wetter am Donnerstag-10-11-2016-El tiempo Jueves-2 Avisos

Avisos meteorológicos España

2 Avisos



Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof
Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización
es2016njahd 09/11/2016 16:09:08 42.3184 -8.0484 12   2.6 4 NE BARRAL.OU

Foto Detalle


You felt this earthquake. Tell us!

MagnitudeML 1.9
Date time2016-11-09 14:12:04.3 UTC
Location46.75 N ; 7.69 E
Depth17 km
Distances29 km SE of Bern, Switzerland / pop: 122,000 / local time: 15:12:04.3 2016-11-09
3 km NE of Hilterfingen, Switzerland / pop: 3,900 / local time: 15:12:04.3 2016-11-09

Global view
Source parameters provided by:
 Swiss Seismological Service -- Zürich, Switzerland (SED)

More information at:

 Swiss Seismological Service Zuerich, Switzerland


You felt this earthquake. Tell us!

MagnitudeM 3.9
Date time2016-11-09 15:35:11.3 UTC
Location44.25 N ; 6.23 E
Depth2 km
Distances111 km NW of Monaco, Monaco / pop: 33,000 / local time: 16:35:11.3 2016-11-09
17 km N of Digne-les-Bains, France / pop: 19,000 / local time: 16:35:11.3 2016-11-09

Global view
Source parameters provided by:
 Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique -- Bruyères-le-Châtel, France (LDG)

More information at:

 Laboratoire de Détection et de Géophysique Bruyères-le-Châtel, France
 GéoAzur Sofia-Antipolis, France
 Réseau National de Surveillance Sismique Strasbourg, France
 Bureau Central Sismologique Francais (BCSF) Strasbourg, France
 Plan Séisme (Information sur les bons gestes à appliquer en cas de séisme)

Vladímir Putin: "No será fácil restablecer las degradadas relaciones con EE.UU."

Publicado el 9 nov. 2016
El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin ha felicitado a Donald Trump por su victoria. Durante una ceremonia en el Kremlin con varios embajadores Putin aseguró que no será fácil restablecer las degradadas relaciones con Estados Unidos pese a la victoria de Trump.

"Rusia conoce las declaraciones de Donald Trump como candidato encaminadas al restablecimiento de las relaciones entre Rusia y Estados Unidos. Pero somos conscientes de que no será un camino fácil debido a las degradadas relaciones entre EEU…

Владимир Путин: "Россия готова и хочет восстановления полноформатных отношений с США"

Publicado el 9 nov. 2016
Поступила и реакция лидера России на избрание 45-го президента США. Выступая на церемонии вручения верительных грамот новыми послами 19 государств, Владимир Путин заявил:

"Мы слышали предвыборные заявления еще кандидата в президенты США, которые были направлены на восстановление отношений между Россией и США. Мы понимаем и отдаем себе отчёт в том, что это будет непростой путь, с учетом той деградации, которой, к сожалению, находятся отношения США и России.

Но Россия готова и хочет восстановлен…

Putin gratuliert Trump und lädt zum Dialog

Publicado el 9 nov. 2016
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin, der bereits am Mittwochmorgen als einer der ersten Staatschefs weltweit Donald Trump per Telegramm zum Wahlsieg gratuliert hatte, bekräftigte bei einem Empfang im Kreml, seine Bereitschaft zu einer Annäherung an die USA. Vladimir Putin congratulated Donald Trump on his victory in the US presidential election— President of Russia (@KremlinRussia_E) 9 novembre 2016

"Während des Wahlkampfs haben wir die Worte des Kandidat…



Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof
Int. (***) Máx. Mag Tipo (**) Mag. Localización
es2016niohe 09/11/2016 11:49:22 37.2197 -4.2046 12   2.8 4 SW ZAGRA.GR

Foto Detalle

Branques trencades i arbres tombats. Aquests són alguns dels efectes....

2h2 hours ago
Branques trencades i arbres tombats. Aquests són alguns dels efectes de la ventada de 82 km/h a .

Putin's aide believes Trump will lift anti-Russian sanctions when he takes office

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Putin's aide believes Trump will lift anti-Russian sanctions when he takes office - TASS

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Putin's aide believes Trump will lift anti-Russian sanctions when he takes office - TASS

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Putin's aide believes Trump will lift anti-Russian sanctions when he takes office - TASS

Vatican wishes Trump well in U.S. presidency...


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Donald Trump-'President-elect of the United States'


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'It is not our fault that Russian-American relations are in a poor state,' Putin says, adds that he wants a restoration of full relations

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Russia's President Putin: 'I'd like to congratulate the American people on the end of their electoral cycle. And I'd also like to congratulate Mr. Donald Trump on his election victories.'

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Germany's Chancellor Merkel says democracy, freedom, ..

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Germany's Chancellor Merkel says democracy, freedom, respect of law and respect for people regardless of color are values we share with US - Reuters

End of alert

German foreign minister says-"many things will be more difficult"


27m27 minutes ago

German foreign minister, responding to Trump win, says he hopes "we will not be faced with major upheavals in international politics"
German foreign minister says believes U.S. foreign policy will be "less predictable" under Trump, says "many things will be more difficult"

Mariano Rajoy -Mi enhorabuena a Donald Trump por su victoria

Mi enhorabuena a Donald Trump por su victoria. Seguiremos trabajando para reforzar la relación que nos une a EEUU, socio indispensable. MR

Eight years ago, America voted for hope; it didn't deliver. Now it has voted for fear;..

1h1 hour ago
Eight years ago, America voted for hope; it didn't deliver. Now it has voted for fear; hopefully it too will fail

High winds will affect the southern half of #Catalonia today.

1h1 hour ago
. High winds will affect the southern half of today. Take caution and remember: in case of emergency call