Dienstag, 28. April 2020

Spain-Greece-Turkey-Tourism-Empty Silence Silence or the standstill of life?


Spain-Greece-Turkey-Tourism-Empty Silence Silence or the standstill of life?


Imagine it is holiday and nobody goes there.
Every evening there are reports in the Spanish News where the most beautiful holiday paradises are shown and the current state is the silence and emptiness of these especially beautiful places. On Tenerife, Vulcan natural pools are shown, where already at this time of the year there were many international tourists.  Empty silence silence or the standstill of life?
Gran Canaria there are the dunes of Maspalomas where one only hears the wind and the sea and does not see any footprints in the sand. The same on the super-fiesta island IBIZA, Mallorca..etc. etc..The same pictures are not only available in Spain, Greece and Turkey. "Stay at home it is the plague on board...the water rots in the boilers and every day one goes overboard". So there are the latest numbers of deceased through theCOVID-19 every hour.
While the emptiness and silence make people live with worries and often without food and fear of foreclosures because they have no money left and are locked up in their homes, another war is raging that is taking place quietly and yet is very active. The Coronavirus has caused 509.000 companies to go bankrupt in only two weeks in March and the unemployment figures are rising and rising! Alone 285,600 between January and March have registered with the social security fund, which is long over-indebted by 60%. It is even worse. At this time of the year, new jobs are usually found, especially in the tourist sector. This year no one is hired. Furthermore, the demand for real estate and mortgages is decreasing and the textile sector is at its absolute lowest point. Dentists have been forced to close their doors, so one of the largest dental surgeries with more than 3000 employees has closed its doors and suspended treatments, even for dental prostheses. Dentures are usually paid for in advance in Spain. There are clients who have paid a lot of money and have been without teeth for more than a year.
Resistance against all closures is getting louder and louder.
In Galicia Ourense, there are already protests by truck drivers who drive through the towns with their trucks honking and floodlights, demanding that the government lift the closures.
The only "lucky ones" are the supermarkets, which sell their goods well and the prices are rising!
El coronavirus destruye 509.000 empleos en dos semanas de marzo y la tasa de paro escala al 14,4%

    El número de ocupados disminuye en 285,600 personas entre enero y marzo
    Los hogares con todos sus miembros en paro suben un 6%
        Gonzalo Velarde
    28/04/2020 - 9:07
    El mercado laboral español continúa encajando los golpes de la crisis sanitaria del coronavirus que amenaza con derrumbar los cimientos del tejido productivo A las cifras devastadoras cifras de paro y afiliación del pasado mes de marzo se suma hoy la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA) publicada por el INE que arroja un incremento de la tasa de paro en nuestro país en el primer trimestre del año al 14, 4% of the active job placement, lo que supone un incremento de 6 décimas en comparación con el cierre de 2019
    So no British and Germans in Spain this summer?
    from almabu https://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2020/04/27/5ea67872fdddff115b8b4601.html     

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