Sonntag, 14. Dezember 2014



MagnitudeM 4.0
Date time2014-12-13 21:09:41.5 UTC
Location36.80 N ; 20.52 E
Depth10 km
Distances312 km SW of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 23:09:41.5 2014-12-13
183 km SW of Trípoli, Greece / pop: 26,561 / local time: 23:09:41.5 2014-12-13
115 km S of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 23:09:41.5 2014-12-13
102 km W of Filiatrá, Greece / pop: 6,970 / local time: 23:09:41.5 2014-12-13
Global view
Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist
MagnitudeML 2.2
Date time2014-12-13 23:48:47.2 UTC
Location36.71 N ; 20.63 E
Depth1 km
Distances308 km SW of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 01:48:47.2 2014-12-14
179 km SW of Trípoli, Greece / pop: 26,561 / local time: 01:48:47.2 2014-12-14
122 km S of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 01:48:47.2 2014-12-14
97 km W of Methóni, Greece / pop: 1,165 / local time: 01:48:47.2 2014-12-14

Source parameters provided by:
MagnitudeML 3.8
Date time2014-12-14 04:35:43.8 UTC
Location36.73 N ; 20.43 E
Depth2 km
Distances322 km SW of Athens, Greece / pop: 729,137 / local time: 06:35:43.8 2014-12-14
194 km SW of Trípoli, Greece / pop: 26,561 / local time: 06:35:43.8 2014-12-14
125 km S of Zákynthos, Greece / pop: 11,541 / local time: 06:35:43.8 2014-12-14
113 km SW of Filiatrá, Greece / pop: 6,970 / local time: 06:35:43.8 2014-12-14

Source parameters reviewed by a seismologist

Evento Fecha Hora (GMT)* Latitud Longitud Prof.
Int. (***) Máx. Mag. Tipo (**) Mag. Localización
131003814/12/201403:11:3236.90212.6132     4.1 3 MEDITERRÁNEO-ARGELIA
Foto Detalle

2014-12-13   21:09:40.611hr 46min ago36.76 N  20.50 E  103.9 CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA

2014-12-13   20:52:03.736.69 N  20.59 E  12.1 CENTRAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA

 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Geophysics -- Thessaloniki, Greece (THE)

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