Dienstag, 23. Dezember 2014

NORTHERN ALGERIA-4.6 (4.7) -3.9


MagnitudeM 4.6 (4.7)
Date time2014-12-23 08:59:06.8 UTC
Location36.49 N ; 3.12 E
Depth30 km
Distances30 km S of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 09:59:06.8 2014-12-23
7 km SE of Bougara, Algeria / pop: 63,155 / local time: 09:59:06.8 2014-12-23
Global view
Source parameters not yet reviewed by a seismologist
Magnitudemb 3.9
Date time2014-12-23 08:33:54.1 UTC
Location36.56 N ; 3.13 E
Depth30 km
Distances23 km S of Algiers, Algeria / pop: 1,977,663 / local time: 09:33:54.1 2014-12-23
2 km W of L’Arba, Algeria / pop: 69,298 / local time: 09:33:54.1 2014-12-23

Source parameters provided by:
 Instituto Geografico Nacional -- Madrid, Spain (MAD)

More information at:

 Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et Géophysique Algiers, Algeria

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