Dienstag, 6. Januar 2015



Magnitudeml 3.1
Date time2015-01-06 09:56:56.9 UTC
Location38.44 N ; 119.27 W
Depth13 km
Distances496 km N of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,792,621 / local time: 01:56:56.9 2015-01-06
91 km SE of Carson City, United States / pop: 55,274 / local time: 01:56:56.9 2015-01-06
57 km W of Hawthorne, United States / pop: 3,269 / local time: 01:56:56.9 2015-01-06
39 km S of Smith Valley, United States / pop: 1,603 / local time: 01:56:56.9 2015-01-06
Global view
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MagnitudeML 3.0
Date time2015-01-06 09:49:15.9 UTC
Location34.30 N ; 116.45 W
Depth4 km
Distances168 km E of Los Angeles, United States / pop: 3,792,621 / local time: 01:49:15.9 2015-01-06
80 km E of San Bernardino, United States / pop: 209,924 / local time: 01:49:15.9 2015-01-06
21 km N of Yucca Valley, United States / pop: 20,700 / local time: 01:49:15.9 2015-01-06
Global view
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MagnitudeMl 2.3
Date time2015-01-06 10:54:03.3 UTC
Location33.96 N ; 116.63 W
Depth15 km
Distances147 km N of San Diego, United States / pop: 1,307,402 / local time: 02:54:03.3 2015-01-06
63 km E of San Bernardino, United States / pop: 209,924 / local time: 02:54:03.3 2015-01-06
10 km NW of Garnet, United States / pop: 7,543 / local time: 02:54:03.3 2015-01-06
Global view
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